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Showing posts from 2017

Nakshatra Template

Many of my blog readers requested to publish the theme that I'm currently using in this blog or at least to announce its name. Although it is inspired from the ocean of templates over the internet, it is completely self-designed. The core of this theme was designed back in 2014; and from then it is consistently modified. For personal purpose, codes related to syntax highlighting, social content locking etc. are used in this theme, which are obviously unnecessary for any ordinary blog; even some snippets of this theme are hard-coded. So when I got the request, it took me some time to remove all unnecessary contents and make the entire theme dynamic. When it became finally ready to produce, it was again a period of hesitation for naming. Finally after some struggle, I came up with Nakshatra (means Star). This theme is rich in feature, fast in loading and awesome in appearance.

Related Posts for Blogger

One of the many ways to engage your reader to your blog is by providing similar recipes to what they are experiencing now. It is a way of offering similar experience from a different perspective. Related posts widget does that job with ease. This widget identifies the categories of current post and provides other available posts from same category; not just from recent stories, but also from from your blog archive. Advantage includes the reduction of bounce rate as well as growth in traffic. Besides, it helps to improve SEO. This widget, designed with minimal coding, offers scalability overs its appearance and responsiveness.

Recent Posts Widget for Blogger

As the name specifies, a recent posts widget displays the most up-to-date content of your blog. Unlike popular posts widget that displays most discussed blog posts or related posts widget that showcases posts fall into similar category, it displays a collection of recently published blog articles. Benefit of having such widget is it helps blog readers to find the latest post with minimum efforts. As well as it makes blog visitors to browse further from the landing page without leaving your blog, i.e. reduces blog bounce rate. Additionally one doesn't have to send an email every-time a post has been created, i.e. reduces dependency on email marketing. Unfortunately, blogger team does not provide such feature as pre-build widget; so one has to add this via some third party coding.

Auto Read More for Blogger

Insert a read-more link within blog post not only makes things organized and well managed but also loads your blog faster. Your blog readers can go through different posts at a glance, while they are actually browsing start-up page. Moreover it optimizes your blog to be found over search engine very easily. Although it may be (little) irritating to insert jump break or read more link for each post individually. Sometimes it may happen that you accidently forget to insert jump break link. In that case your entire post will be displayed in your home page, which is a bit of annoying. That why bloggers often go for auto read more link generator. This tutorial is about how to insert read more link, both manually and automatically, with an added bonus of how to customize it and replace it with an image. So, stay tuned.